YOUth Positively Speaking

Opioids in Our Community

Prevention Resources Episode 20

Paige and Erin are joined by youth members Bryce and Elizabeth to talk about opioids with Jerri Collevechio from the Safe Communities Coalition. 
There have been 1096 overdose deaths in New Jersey so far this year. For more information please visit the NJ Cares website-


YOUth Positively Speaking
Positive YOUth is an initiative focused on building county wide capacity to reduce substance misuse among youth 9-20 years old. In this monthly podcast the team speaks to youth about what is going on in their lives and ways to better help youth.

Positive YOUth Podcast STAFF
Program Director - Lesley Gabel
Program Coordinator - Erin Cohen
Multi-media Specialist - Paige Ewing